Monday, April 25, 2011

Green Thumbprint

I purchased tiny little herb starter pots at Target for a dollar each. I wrote about them here.

But over the last week I've been carefully watching them for progress and.... voila! I have some green growth as of Friday that looked like this:
If you look VERY carefully you can see the tiny tiny sprouts.

And after our short day and a half away... they look like this!

 Yes the parsley is a bit disappointing so far. Hopefully in the next day or so it will really start sprouting.

Also: as you can see in the right side of that photo up there, I bought a bigger pot.... for MINT!!! I love mint.  We'll see if I can keep that alive as well. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sunflower Market

In my last post I mentioned that we have a new store in town. And I am loving it! The prices for the majority of the organic foods are about where they usually are, but the non-organic produce (I'm really not that picky.) is super well priced usually. Also they have some lovely baguettes for only a dollar!

But the point of all of this is to say that yesterday we walked to the Market, picked up some ingredients, went home and easily tossed together a very tasty salad. Plus of course the obligatory hunk of fresh baguette. Delicious!

I really am loving the weather that is allowing me to enjoy walking instead of enduring it.