Every morning I get up, throw some clothes on, brush my hair (if my coworkers are lucky), slip on a pair of shoes and go wait for the bus.
When I was a kid, I really didn't look forward to riding the bus to school. And in high school that was just out of the question. I'm not sure why I felt that way, but I don't like buses. Unless they were taking all of us on a cool field trip.
These days, as we are carless, our transportation is limited to these:
We walk to church.
We walk to 3 different grocery stores.
We walk to restaurants to go out to eat.
We walk just to walk some days.
For everything else there's the bus.
We ride it to work and back
We ride it to visit friends and family.
We ride it to various stores that are too far away for walking.
We ride it to the farmer's market.
These forms of transportation make me feel very urban and green. I'm using a public service and a god given ability instead of spending up to $4/gallon on gas. My wallet is really appreciating it. Some arguments against public transportation is that it's not convenient. It's smelly and there are weird people riding it. It comes at odd times and it's faster to just drive where you're going.
I can use the combination of walking and the bus system to get me almost anywhere. Sometimes there are less than desirable people on the bus, but you can find that everywhere too. Any inconvenience can be handled by good planning and timing.
Riding the bus is saving me hundreds of dollars a month. Making me(and my wallet) a little greener.
When I was a kid, I really didn't look forward to riding the bus to school. And in high school that was just out of the question. I'm not sure why I felt that way, but I don't like buses. Unless they were taking all of us on a cool field trip.
These days, as we are carless, our transportation is limited to these:
We walk to church.
We walk to 3 different grocery stores.
We walk to restaurants to go out to eat.
We walk just to walk some days.
For everything else there's the bus.
We ride it to work and back
We ride it to visit friends and family.
We ride it to various stores that are too far away for walking.
We ride it to the farmer's market.
These forms of transportation make me feel very urban and green. I'm using a public service and a god given ability instead of spending up to $4/gallon on gas. My wallet is really appreciating it. Some arguments against public transportation is that it's not convenient. It's smelly and there are weird people riding it. It comes at odd times and it's faster to just drive where you're going.
I can use the combination of walking and the bus system to get me almost anywhere. Sometimes there are less than desirable people on the bus, but you can find that everywhere too. Any inconvenience can be handled by good planning and timing.
Riding the bus is saving me hundreds of dollars a month. Making me(and my wallet) a little greener.